Thematic workshop
If you love thrilling films and want to write scripts that will keep viewers in suspense, this workshop will help you achieve it!
Getting to know specifics of the format
Intensive workshop
One 10-hour meeting
Small workshop groups
6–10 people
Thriller – thematic workshops
Viewers love the cinema genre. Unfortunately, however, in Poland for many years there were no classes on the specifics of writing genre screenplays. BAHAMA FILMS decided to fill this gap and introduced thematic classes in writing genres particularly liked by Polish viewers.
Thrillers are very popular among viewers; they are one of the most-chosen genres. Why? Because we like it when the cinema evokes strong emotions in us. During the workshops, participants will learn what elements to include in the script to achieve this.
How does the workshop look?
Full-day thriller classes are up to 10 hours of intense watching, analysing and discussing the most successful films in this genre. At the meeting, we will consider what the success of the best thrillers is really based on (e.g. Seven, Three Days of the Condor, The Silence of the Lambs, Zodiac, The Exorcist and Michael Clayton).
There are many of stories around us that can be turned into a good box-office movie. Thrillers are quite a schematic genre, so with the right workshop, a light pen and an open mind, you can efficiently tell your story, turning it into a successful script.
During the classes, we do not work on the Participants’ projects but instead thoroughly analyse the specifics of the thriller genre, referring to examples of at least a dozen films.
Workshop programme
- Introduction to genre cinema. Analysis of the selected movie.
- Discussion of the success factors of a thriller, based on specific examples.
- Analysis of characters typical of the genre and their features.
- Structural model analysis of a thriller.
- The mechanism of suspense as the most important element of a good thriller.
- Dialogue.
- Working together on making a list of the items needed to make a thriller really "to thrill”.
Workshop trainer and mentor
Wiktor Piątkowski
Screenwriter, producer, lecturer and owner of Bahama Films.
Wiktor Piątkowski created and co-wrote HBO’s first original series produced in Poland (Wataha) and the first Polish romantic comedy produced by Netflix (Squared Love). Over the last 11 years he has worked as showrunner, head writer, screenwriter and producer on various shows (crime series, soap operas, scripted reality, period dramas, sitcom), with more than 1000 hours of TV produced). A sitcom he co-created and co-wrote, Just Push Abuba, premiered in 2018 on ZDF. Wiktor is the head writer of the first Polish TV series produced by Viaplay (Murderesses), the first co-production between Canal+ and Polsat (Sortownia) and the first political thriller series produced by Polsat (Vote of no Confidence). Wiktor’s filmography includes, among others, the feature films Heart Parade (Netflix) and Holidays Backwards (which he also produced), and the TV series War Girls.
Wiktor graduated from the Polish National Film School in Łódź, the Warsaw School of Economics, and Warsaw University (psychology), and is an alumnus of Serial Eyes (organized by the Deutsche Film and Fernsehakademie Berlin, and the London Film School), European TV Drama Series Lab, European Showrunner Training, Canneseries Writers Club, The Owl, Midpoint, Racconti and Berlinale Talents. He has participated in many screenwriting courses, led by, among others Syd Field, John Truby, Robert McKee, Linda Seger, Dov Simens, Glen Benest and Sammy Montana. The list of his mentors includes James V. Hart (Dracula, Hook, Contact), Frank Spotnitz (The X Files, The Man in the High Castle), Graham Yost (Speed, Justified) and Jeff Melvoin (Northern Exposure, Designated Survivor, Killing Eve).
Wiktor Piątkowski is also a member of SEAN, the Dirty Dozen Collective, the Polish Filmmakers Association (SFP) and the Polish Screenwriters’ Guild. He has a PhD in television marketing, runs screenwriting workshops in Poland and abroad, and manages Bahama Films, an independent production company based in Warsaw.
Place of the meeting:
Thematic workshop
600 pln
- 10 hours in a small group (6–10 people)
- course materials
- getting to know the specifics of thriller
Wypełnij formularz zgłoszeniowy
Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i 2 RODO informujemy, że administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest BAHAMA FILMS, Wiktor Piątkowski, ul. Puławska 61, 02-595 Warszawa. Przetwarzamy Pani/Pana dane wyłącznie w celu rekrutacji na warsztaty, a w przypadku wyrażenia dodatkowej zgody na otrzymywanie oferty Bahama Films, dane przetwarzane są również w celach marketingowych. Pani/Pana dane będą przetwarzane nie dłużej, niż jest to konieczne do komunikacji z uczestnikami warsztatów, a po tym czasie mogą być przetwarzane przez okres przedawnienia ewentualnych roszczeń. Podanie przez Panią/Pana danych jest dobrowolne, ale konieczne do rekrutacji na warsztaty. Ma Pani/Pan prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a także prawo do przenoszenia swoich danych oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego.